Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Paging Mr. Folks, Paging Mr. Folks

I’m not one for personal politics. I like to think of myself as a pretty nice guy, perhaps to a flaw – although I am sure there are others who would argue the opposite. For me, it’s disheartening that my first blog since summer must be one of self-defense.

Recently, Will Folks personally attacked me and the firm where I work. I suppose being attacked for the company you keep is one of the pitfalls of actually having a job which is more than any of us can say for Mr. Folks.

Before I let my anger completely get the best of me allow me to explain why I feel this rant is required. Yesterday, in his blog, Mr. Folks made glaringly false statements regarding the State Senate District Five race. Provided below is a brief excerpt of one of the more interesting comments:

… Upstate Rep. Lewis Vaughn is facing a tougher than expected fight from a previously-disbarred lawyer named Kathleen Jennings Gresham. Vaughn, a strident supporter of school choice and one of FITS' favorites [SIC] legislators, should be running away with this race, but the latest polls show him hanging onto a lead that's just outside the margin of error.

Apparently, Mr. Folks is turning to the same pollsters who declared George W. Bush would fall to John Kerry, Rick Quinn would trounce Thomas Ravenel and Bob Staton would strike a crushing blow to Karen Floyd.

As much as we think blogging actually matters, voters in Senate District Five must have missed yesterday’s edition of FITS since Vaughn received 47.65% of the vote while Jennings Gresham struggled to gain 16% – so much for the margin of error.

Looking to the runoff, Vaughn will carry with him a dominating eighteen point lead over the next closest vote getter.

Given the outcome, I hope we can gain a glimpse into Mr. Folks’ character. If he has the courage to admit when he’s wrong, I believe it’s possible that he still holds on to his last remaining shreds of professional respect.

But, in the meantime, I’ll wait for the personal attacks…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't Starboard Communications win the most races in the recent primary season? Add Lewis Vaughn's first-place finish on Tuesday, and that's a pretty good year so far.

12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried to caculate the winning precentage of Will Folks' consulant group, Viewpolitik, but appearently there is some mathatical law saying you cannot divided 0 from 0.

2:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Willard is like a child: starving for attention and is always looking for someone to notice his "skill set" (look what I can do Mommy!). The truth is his 5 minutes of infamy have been expired for over a year. Willard has gone the way of dinosaurs, George Burns and New Coke…extinct.

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


First of all congrats on the solid first place finish. I didn't know you were working on Rep. Vaughn's race but he clearly outperformed the polling that I had been shown.

So yeah, I was wrong.

I was wrong on this race just like I was wrong predicting Mike Campbell to win the Lt. Gov. runoff and just like I've been wrong (and will continue to be wrong) on countless other races.

That's the way life goes - sometimes we're right, sometimes we're wrong, and I've always been plenty man enough to admit when I'm wrong.

You know, I've looked a couple times and I didn't see a personal attack against you in anything that was written on the FITS blog, but you certainly have my apology if anything that was said offended you. Obviously, nothing offensive coming from me was intended as I didn't know until this evening that you had even been involved.

As to the various rants on your comment board directed at me, which I do think fit the description of a personal attack, I'll just refer you to what my father always told me: "If it's not true, don't worry about it."

I wish you all the best in the runoff and in the general election against Eppes.

Take care,


8:37 PM  
Blogger B.J. Boling said...


I appreciate your comments. I hope you can forgive my quick temper. It is certainly one of the drawbacks of having Irish blood in my veins.

As for the comments on my blog, I trust that you will believe these were by no means coordinated by me.

I'd like to honor you with the first invitation to the first annual "Bowling for Bloggers Bonanza" on Wednesday, November 8th at Lexington Lanes on Hwy 1.

11:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Blog administrator removed the best comment ever written about that little (such an appropriate term) insect...Will Folks.

Looks like Willy's "skill set" is not needed by any of the presidential candidates, or candidates for dog catcher for that matter.

Hey, Willy, how are things in the apartment? How's the hair restoration treatment coming along there my little fella?

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Do you want me to write more commentary about little willy skill set boy?

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, if there was any doublt that will folks was a complete moron, just read his blog. I mean this guy couldn't put together a correct sentence if his life depended on it. No wonder the Governor fired his butt. Katon Dawson's pet dog could run a campaign better than little willy.

1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And why not?
hydrocodone bitartate

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nelson won 11 tournaments in a row in 1945, every tournament he entered for that period. Nationwide Tour Long John Daly's list of calamities in 2006 was more extensive than one of his colossal drives: domestic difficulties, torn hand ligaments, a broken pinkie, a sore left hip, sciatic nerve problems and plenty of missed cuts. There are others who just want to hit the ball as far as they can hit it. Some have questioned whether this is a strategic decision to keep the PGA streak alive, since Tiger's never won the Nissan Open in the past (even though he's played there 11 times).

5:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:05 AM  

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